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How to achieve a flawless makeup base: for all skin types (look like a greek goddess with these hacks)

Hey pretties! MISS PRISS BEAUTY is live on tiktok and instagram! I know I haven't made a blog post in ages, but it is because I am working/ trying to figure my life out whilst doing this on the side (alas, don't worry I have not abandoned the cause!). I've also been working on tons exciting ideas, reviews and tips in the drafts. So even if I'm not posting, I'm still thinking of Miss P x.

To start off, I made my first tiktok/ instagram reel with a voice over the other day. To be honest I was slightly hesitant to put my face/ talk online because I wanted to build a community where I was completely behind the scenes in editing cool videos and making blog posts but I kind of realised that when it came to makeup reviews and beauty tips it almost defeats the point of being authentic by not showing my face as this is the basis of how I rate products (A.k.a how the products I am trying look on me). As well as that, when it comes to sharing opinions in this day and age the easiest way to do it is by doing a voice over online via insta reels or tiktok.

Anyway, on another note I am fully aware that doing this blog is so 10 years ago—but I love it and it feels like a safe place for me to truly word vomit and express my opinions. light of me trying to make an effort to better connect my website to my instagram and tiktok I've decided to link my first two 'how to' videos and do a bit more of an in-depth chit chat about some things I covered. I talked about how to achieve a flawless makeup base in these two reels, but whist writing the script, I had to cut out a lot of useful information. So here are the uncut tips!

Watch my video: How to get Flawless base makeup p.1


  1. Wash your face before applying foundation, Concealer or any base makeup products

This tip is the most important for people with oily skin! In my video, I mention that washing your face is important because it gets the dirt and grease off so makeup can apply well. To go into further detail, this helps your base look smoother because that layer of dirt and grease not only has texture, but affects the way a product can apply to your skin because of the oil reacting badly with the water products. Washing your face before applying makeup prevents your pores from clogging, the makeup will adhere evenly and last longer.

This is something I've realised because I found that every time I had been in a rush and didn't have the time to wash my face + do my skincare the same makeup routine looked 10 times worse and sank throughout the day. It seemed like my makeup would split and cake (A beauty enthusiasts worst nightmare!) and it must've been because of the layer of oil on my skin. It is important to note that my foundation bases are mostly silicone and water based, which also makes sense as to why oil does not react well. The dirt and oil also act as a barrier to the makeup properly clinging on to the skin, and therefore your makeup will easily droop within a few hours.

  1. Use clean makeup sponges and brushes

This step is important because of two things: firstly, using dirty makeup brushes is basically asking for a breakout (if you are acne prone). Your makeup brushes and sponges build up a lot of bacteria and dirt, especially if you keep it at the bottom of a bag that has never been cleaned. This is not only gross, but it encourages pores to become infected and turn into acne which creates texture on the skin. The key to smooth makeup comes from within. If you have bumpy skin, no concealer or foundation will fully cover the texture. As disappointing as the reality of it is, one of the key steps to having a flawless base is just having clear skin. Therefore, I suggest that you do everything in your control to make sure your skin is taken care of, and that if you can, prevent the breakouts. I also suggest using retinol and niacinamide to smoothen out the skin. Its helped me a lot, and over the course of a few months my skin texture has become so smooth.

Secondly, dried up makeup brushes will never apply makeup as well as freshly washed soft ones. The point of a makeup brush is to have hundreds and thousands of separate bristles. If the concealer, foundation or whatever base product you are using has dried the bristles together, you're basically painting your face with hardened-up, chunky tools which will leave streaks.

  1. Use a primer!

Contrary this third step, if you have normal skin then primer isn't a must have. However if you have oily or dry skin OR if you're just looking for a specific finish (for example a glowy look) then I recommend using a primer because it can change the finish of your makeup.

For example, if you have dry skin and you struggle to get makeup to adhere properly, then I would recommend a hydrating or glowy primer such as the milk hydro grip or the iconic London underglow primer.

On the other hand, if you have very oily skin then an amazing primer which combats the oil extremely well is the Onesize Oil Sucker, and this is a strong formula that prevents the skin from greasing up throughout the day.

Anyway, as much as I would love to baby you all and tell you exactly which primer will work for you, I can't make a personalised trip to everyones home so today my job is to initiate your journey <3. Answer these questions: What is your skin type? What do you want in your makeup (Glowy? Matte?) then buy a primer that answers to these two prompts. I've attached a primer suggestion chart based on the intended outcome to help you with this:

Miss P's Primer Chart:

The Miss Priss Pretty Girl guide series, see instagram:
The Miss Priss Pretty Girl guide series, see instagram:

Once you have answered these two questions, buy a primer based on those answers. My best general advice is that if you have dry skin and you struggle to get makeup to apply because of your dry skin then go for a hydrating primer. If you want to get that under-glow look, then go for a glowy primer (Sometimes I even see people using a hydrating primer first then going in with a glowy one after) And finally, if you want to control your oil then definitely go for a pore blurring, mattifying primer as these are the ones which normally combat oiliness.

Watch my video: How to get Flawless base makeup p.2


  1. Application technique: Apply your foundation, concealer or base product in THIN, EVEN layers.

Whether or not you are looking for a light or heavy finish, you need to always apply any base products in thin and even layers. A lot of the time cakey makeup is the result of too much product and layers of makeup not "layering" well. It is the result of applying too much, not being able to spread it out evenly and in turn having a hard time removing product because theres already too much on your face. If you want to go for higher coverage, then just keep building the layers slowly and between those layers use a damp beauty blender to take off any excess product. The beauty blender will get rid of any brush strokes. Another tip I mentioned in my video is that you need to be very careful about the amount of product you put into areas that have a high tendency to crease. For example smile lines, wrinkles and the area next your nostrils where your nose connects to your face. You don't need a lot of product on these parts as they don't normally require too much coverage so add light layers here. Trust me, it won't wear well throughout the day. The best areas to put more product are flat surfaces such as the cheek area. I like to compare applying base makeup to painting nails or varnishing wood. The results are always better when you take your time and apply thin, even layers, gradually building up the colour instead of applying one thick layer that ends up looking like a bumpy mess.

  1. Products: Find the right product for you.

Use a product that matches what you are looking for in terms of skin type compatibility and intended makeup outcome. When I say skin-type i'm talking about this:

I'd also like to mention that products can make a difference. If you are using a bad formula then no amount of skin prep will make it look good. With that being said there are many good products out there, and every product will look different on different people. This is why I encourage you to figure out your skin type because products are made with an intended user in mind. Lets take myself for example: In a foundation I look for medium to heavy coverage that has good wear throughout the day. I've found that most heavier coverage foundations, concealers and cc creams that hit these points are silicone based. Therefore, I generally look for silicone heavy foundations. Here is a quick guide I made to help you understand the basic differences between silicone-heavy and water-heavy based foundations:

*read if you feel you need more help on deciding which one to go for

Here is an indepth overview of silicone vs water based makeup from the beauty crop:

"One of the key differences between silicone-based and water-based makeup is its longevity and finish. Silicone based makeup tends to be more long-wearing and resistant to sweat and oil, making it ideal for events or occasions that require makeup to stay in place for extended periods. On the other hand, water based makeup may need more frequent touch-ups throughout the day but can offer a more natural and lightweight feel. 

When choosing between silicone based and water based makeup, it's important to consider your skin type, the occasion, and the specific look you want to achieve. Whilst some may love combining both these types of formula, there’s a general rule with the combinations to ensure your makeup doesn’t separate.

Water Based Makeup Primers + Water Based Foundations = Great for dry skin and sensitive skin. Also good for those who are prone to breakouts.

Silicone Based Makeup Primers + Silicone Based Foundations = Great for oily skin.

Water Based Makeup Primers + Silicone Foundations = This combination will likely look great after application, but throughout the day the two formulas repel each other and can cause your makeup to slide off.

Silicone Based Makeup Primers + Water Based Foundations = Will likely cause separation. The silicone in the primer will create a barrier which repels water in your foundation, resulting in no absorption into your skin, makeup separation and unevenness."

Anyway, moving on, my best advice for you is to take into account two factors:

  • What is your desired look?

    A. Something more fresh and light coverage

    B. Something heavy coverage, matte and glam style that will last throughout the day

  • What is your skin type? Will a dewy foundation end up looking too oily on you? Or will a matte foundation be too drying for your skin?

Once you have answered these questions, you can then do research into good products that will suit your desired look. If you answered A in the first question, then you'll probably want to look for a foundation more leaning towards the water side/ water-based. If you answered B in the first question, then you'll probably want to look for a foundation with more silicone/ is silicone-based.

Your answer to the second factor will solidify whether or not your choice for the first question will work with your skin type. For example, Sheila wants to buy an extremely matte foundation however she has very dry skin. The extremely matte foundation may not be the best choice for her because the outcome may flake and cause her skin to become even more dry. After reconsidering the compatibility of a matte foundation with her skin type, she decides to go for a product that is slightly more hydrating. This doesn't mean that she has to completely switch sides and go for a super watery foundation. It just means she may want to consider compromising a bit from her original idea by finding a foundation that meets her needs in the middle. She decides that she wants a mid weight foundation with a good balance between both silicone and water. Her next steps are to go online, or onto tiktok (what I normally do) and do some research by putting in "Best mid weight foundations for dry skin" (etc).

Use these key words in your research:

Heavy weight = Silicone based

Mid weight = good balance of silicone and water

Light weight = Water based

(FYI it is important to know that most base products have both water and silicone in them, its just the ratio of silicone to water which determines whether or not it is classified as a water/silicone based product)

Wooosh, that was a lot. I'm sorry if I've overcomplicated makeup, and you're now even more confused. If you're clueless right now, then the one thing I want you to gauge from this last part is that you should identify your skin type, and then do some research based on what products would suit your skin type. Put it into tiktok to see what suggestions people have, then make a decision on whether or not it is a product you see yourself using.

Thats it for today girls. thanks for being patient, and i truly congratulate you if you made it through that last part. I felt like I was writing a scenario for a high school multiple choice test question. Truly understanding how makeup works is more complex than it seems. Most of the time, you don’t need to know the science behind formulas since products usually work well together. However, when something flakes or applies poorly, knowing why it’s happening can make a huge difference. Or, if something looks amazing on someone else’s skin but doesn’t quite work the same for you, it’s helpful to understand why that might be. It takes time and research to grasp products, but I hope this blog post has improved your makeup knowledge. Even if its by 0.05% I'd be happy with that.

Until next time my pretty ladies,

Miss Priss 💋


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